Your certified guide to

Holistic Healing
as a way of life

What is a Functional Nutritional Therapy PRactitioner?

A Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) is certified through the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA). As an FNTP, I use a variety of evaluative tools to determine imbalances and deficiencies. These tools help an FNTP come up with bio-individual protocols, which include personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations. While a general nutritionist will typically work with a one-size-fits-all approach, an FNTP is knowledgable in that each individual has a specific genetic, ancestral, and environmental set point from which they are working. Healing comes from addressing the entire body, and all its interconnected parts, to identify the root cause of dysfunction. When dysfunction is present we can’t always just look at where symptoms are presenting. An FNTP continuously monitors clients' progress and offers support, guidance, and education on the path to healing towards optimal health.

What can an FNTP help you with?

⚙️ Digestive disorders and discomforts ⚙️ Chronic fatigue and HPA Axis dysfunction ⚙️ Weight management ⚙️ Hormonal imbalances

⚙️ Autoimmune disorders ⚙️ Thyroid irregularities ⚙️ Mood disorders ⚙️ Allergies (environmental/food)

⚙️ Blood sugar imbalances ⚙️ Detox and drainage ⚙️ Stealth pathogens

*This is not an exhaustive list of conditions that I address with clients, if you are dealing with something that is not mentioned above, please reach out and I would be happy to discuss your options.


Hi, I’m Ashley Ihemelu an experienced health expert who uses my background as a yoga instructor, reiki practitioner, and functional nutritionist to cultivate a life of abundance for myself and my clients. Driven by a desire to support others in achieving their health goals, I take pride in always learning, adapting, and providing clients with a bio-individual approach to health and wellness.

As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner my goal is to eliminate diet culture, ‘magic pill’ myths, and life of scarcity; by promoting a lifestyle that is obtainable and celebrates small wins along the path of healing towards optimal health. When I’m not helping my clients crush their health goals, I’m chasing my two young kids around, reading, practicing yoga, or enjoying an active life with my husband. To learn more about me follow the link to my About Me.

What Clients Are Saying…


“I am so incredibly thankful that my doctor recommended Ashley to me! She is really changing my life!! I have struggled with my weight all my life, which has come with a lot of shame and judgement. Working with Ashley has been so refreshing. She accepts me as I am. I never feel judged; I just feel supported and encouraged. I have tried every diet under the sun, and had a lot of health problems, some requiring medications. Ashley has taught me a new way to live – a way to enjoy good, healthy food, and to feel great; all without points, measuring or weighing. After just a few months of working with Ashley, I had lost weight, and I was completely off of one of my medications! Ashley gave me the hope I have been looking for – hope and confidence that I can live the rest of my life feeling and looking great, and that I have a new friend who will be there to support me all along the way. I only wish I had found her a long time ago!!”

— Leigh P.

“Ashley has helped me prioritize my health and wellbeing in generally (especially during COVID chaos and stress), but perhaps most significantly, she has encouraged me to take it slowly so my actions will fit into my real life as a working Mom launching a new business during a pandemic. Slowly however, has NOT meant no significant change/positive impact. We’ve set priorities together, she gives me lots of ideas AND points out not just how to implement them, but how to sequence integrating new protocols into my journey so they stick and become second nature. I have an expert, confidant and guide in Ashley, who gets it in real life. I feel better overall, have more energy, much less bloating and I’m feeling well enough now that I’m able to notice the effects of making less healthy choices, which in turn encourages me to keep on track. I’m facing a major move in the next couple of weeks and though I know it will be disruptive and stressful, I am armed with he tools I’ve received from Ashley to do my best. And really isn’t that all any of us can do? I’m not worried about being perfect or how eating on the fly and not being able to cook will effect me. That is a huge stress relief. Thank you Ashley. ”

— Edie D.

“You know, you can learn a lot about “being healthy” without having a real appreciate for knowing what it feel like to exist inside a body that is healthy. Ashley, gave me the language and protocols necessary for me to feel healthy, to believe my body could be healthy. Ive always considered myself relatively health conscious, but, Ashley gave me vocabulary that I never had to understand symptoms I thought were just apart of my life. I had accepted at 28 that maybe I’d just never be able to go to the bathroom without pain. Maybe, I’d never sleep through the night again. Maybe, I’d never know freedom or confidence outside of major calorie restriction and deficits. Learning from Ashley, hasn’t fixed all of my bad habits but someone as knowledgable and encouraging and calming as Ashley sharing with me gave me hope and a higher standard for myself than I was able to understand or desire on my own. The knowledge she shared with me after taking the necessary time to understand my imbalances gave me the tools and vocabulary I needed to experience a healing I’d thought just wasn’t possible for me. I know what feeling good feels like and now I’m chasing that feeling with every meal I eat, every meal I share with others or put in front of my kiddos.

— Lindsey P.

GEt in touch.

I would love to speak with you about your health concerns and have the opportunity to explain how I would approach your bio-individual protocol. I offer a free 30 min discovery call to all potential clients and look forward to hearing from you.
